Exercise Readiness Workbook

You've been told but it's hard to believe. 

You're feeling this shitty and you're supposed to exercise?

Could it actually be true that...

>>exercise decreases symptoms from chemo

>>exercise actually helps with fatigue

>>exercise helps chemo work better

>>exercise lowers the risk of recurrence

YES - these things are all true.  But are you ready?

There's a lot of amazing reasons to add exercise to your routine, especially after a cancer diagnosis. 

But it can be really hard to get started. 

Many patients are afraid they'll do the wrong thing and miss out on all the great benefits.  It can also be really hard to even consider adding something new into your life when you're feeling so overwhelmed.

Learn more and grab your free Workbook.

1 Module

Exercise Readiness Workbook

To help ease the fear, and determine if you're ready for exercise, physically and emotionally, grab the Exercise Readiness Workbook.  It's a step by step process that helps you figure out exactly where you're at, and whether you need some support before you put on those sneakers or start that exercise video.

Modules for this service 1
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